Marshal of Amarillo (1948)


Main cast


Nugget, Underwood and Short walk to the Half-Way House after the driver purposely wrecks the stage. They arrive late at night and it is so spooky that Nugget leaves for Amarillo. Unknown to him, the dead body of Short is in the wagon. When Sheriff Lane comes upon Nugget and the body, he goes to investigate and finds no trace of Underwood at all. But he soon finds that Underwood was carrying $50,000 in cash and he believes the story Nugget is telling.

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The joke's on absent-minded scientist Wayne Szalinski when his troublesome invention shrinks him, his brother and their wives so effectively that their children think they've completely disappeared. Of course, this gives the kids free rein to do anything they want, unaware that their parents are watching every move.
World War II drama where the action centers around a single maneuver by a squad of GIs in retaliation against the force of the German Siegfried line. Reese joins a group of weary GIs unexpectedly ordered back into the line when on their way to a rest area. While most of the men withdraw from their positions facing a German pillbox at the far side of a mine-field, half a dozen men are left to protect a wide front. By various ruses, they manage to convince the Germans that a large force is still holding the position. Then Reese leads two of the men in an unauthorized and unsuccessful attack on the pillbox, in which the other two are killed; and when the main platoon returns, he is threatened with court-martial. Rather that face the disgrace, and in an attempt to show he was right, he makes a one-man attack on the pillbox.
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Eddie, Dov, Yvan et les autres… Nos chaleureux amis ont migré du Sentier moribond à la banlieue florissante d’Aubervilliers… Là où les vieux entrepreneurs juifs ont laissé le terrain à de jeunes grossistes chinois courageux et dynamiques… La petite bande est toujours aussi soudée, solidaire que lors des épisodes précédents, et la vie suit son cours, au gré des petits évènements familiaux et des affaires. Dov semble toujours frivole, Eddie entreprenant, Yvan transi, Karine désinvolte, Sandra résolue, Chochana naïve, Serge irresponsable et mythomane. Quant à Patrick, il est amoureux et l’heureuse élue est loin d’être facile d’accès. Tout irait pour le mieux jusqu’à ce qu’un vent mauvais apporte son lot d’adversité compromettant sérieusement la cohésion du groupe. Succomberont-ils sous l’orage à la zizanie, ou bien, une fois de plus, à force d’entraide, de ruses et d’habileté, triompheront-ils de la crise avec panache ?
When Chris Murdoch falls obsessively in love with a Japanese girl attending University in Seattle (Kaori Ozaki) he murders Japanese men who have shown her kindness under the pretext of revenge for the attack on Pearl Harbor during WWII. However the ruse involves the FBI in the case, and Agent Sara Daniels. However, the investigation is hampered when Yoko Sugimura of the Tokyo Police arrives to take Kaori back to her influential father. Despite their initial dislike, Sara and Yoko are forced to work together to stop Chris when his obsession is manifest with high explosives.
By a daring ruse and inside help, Pete Rennick, a noted criminal behind bars on federal charges, escapes from the prison, and all of the law-agencies and local police are out to catch him with roadblocks and every car searched, but the escapee gets away. Bill Hasford, a private detective, investigating a racket finds it leads to the wanted man, and has the biggest adventure of his career.
Brad and Kate have made something of an art form out of avoiding their families during the holidays, but this year their foolproof plan is about go bust -- big time. Stuck at the city airport after all departing flights are canceled, the couple is embarrassed to see their ruse exposed to the world by an overzealous television reporter. Now, Brad and Kate are left with precious little choice other than to swallow their pride and suffer the rounds.
To help his divorced neighbor claim a substantial inheritance, a family man poses as her husband. The ruse spills over into his career in advertising, and his recent promotion relies on his wholesome and moral appearance.
After building his dream house, architect Newton Davis proposes marriage to his girlfriend, only to be summarily rejected. He seeks solace in a one-night stand with a waitress, never imagining that a woman he slept with once would end up posing as his wife. Gwen's ruse is so effective that by the time Newton learns of his "marriage," the entire town feels like they know him.
Former OSS officer Alan Holiday, now living in London, is visited on New Year's Eve by Catherine Carrel who says she is a close friend of Jules Lemoine who served with Holiday during the war. Lemoine urgently requests that Holiday go to Paris on a secret mission. Lemoine visits and wants Alan to deliver a reel of tape which he gives him, and keeps a fake reel himself to deceive enemy agents. Lemoine is killed and the fake tape stolen. Holiday, poses as an assistant to photographer Louis Vernay, and they take three models along to further the ruse.
A Nazi spy ring is after a chemical formula that increases the power of ordinary gasoline for U.S. Army aviation use. Two U.S. chemical companies are developing the formula, with each working on half for security purposes. The spies get half the formula and know that either of two chemists, Robert Norton or Tom Fielding, knows the rest. They capture Fielding, through a ruse by gang member Linda Pavlo, and threaten the life of his sister Nancy and his mother if he does not give them the formula. To protect his friend Fielding, who does know the formula and is engaged to Nancy, Tom pretends to know the secret and boards the Dawn Express plane with the spy leader and his gang.
As the Allied forces approach Paris in August 1944, German Colonel Von Waldheim is desperate to take all of France's greatest paintings to Germany. He manages to secure a train to transport the valuable art works even as the chaos of retreat descends upon them. The French resistance however wants to stop them from stealing their national treasures but have received orders from London that they are not to be destroyed. The station master, Labiche, is tasked with scheduling the train and making it all happen smoothly but he is also part of a dwindling group of resistance fighters tasked with preventing the theft. He and others stage an elaborate ruse to keep the train from ever leaving French territory.
The first musical comedy from the Grand National assembly line, Hats Off stars John Payne and Mae Clarke as rival press agents Jimmy Maxwell and Jo Allen. Both have been assigned to stir up publicity for separate expositions at the 1936 Texas Centennial (newsreel footage of which predominates throughout the film's short running time). To throw Jimmy off the track, Jo pretends to be a schoolteacher, but by the time the ruse has been revealed, the two leading characters have fallen in love.
Buñuel's first "comeback" film since "L'Age d'Or" in 1930 (he made only a few musicals in the interim), "El Gran Calavera" concerns a family's attempts to change the patriarch's somewhat indulgent and hedonistic ways by fooling him into thinking his large fortune is gone. They assume a life of poverty in Mexico in an attempt to teach him a lesson. However, he discovers it's a ruse, but continues to perpetuate the facade of ignorance while sneaking off during the day to conduct his thriving business. Why? To teach his family a lesson - they are all lazy, worthless leeches!
Cantinflas is a unique barber, who trades with an elderly neighbor, a lawyer by profession, laws lessons in exchange for haircuts and shaved. It proposes advice to defend in court the disadvantaged neighborhood. His success deputy seeks the votes as the other candidate, Don Próculo, it is not accepted by anyone but his own bodyguards. Don Próculo will use know how much ruse to win the election by the Council, and also for the love of 'Sarita'
Penniless Lord Whitebait's plan to save his sinking fortunes is to open stately Whitebait Manor to the public. But the public ignores his gesture, and his fortunes fade even further, with a stream of debts threatening to run into a deluge when his daughter's fiancé demands a plush and costly wedding. Where is the cash to come from? Whitebait and his servant Spankforth's answer is a scam involving the theft of a valuable painting from the Manor. How could such a cunningly original ruse fail?
In this crime melodrama, a Swiss woman finds herself unwittingly involved in a plot to steal from her employer, a London diamond merchant. Her boyfriend is behind the scheme. First he sends two accomplices disguised as German jewelers to see the boss. He is not fooled by their ruse and is killed while the woman is knocked unconscious. She awakens with amnesia and begins aimlessly wandering the London streets. Thinking that his girl has squealed to the police, her boy friend begins scouring the town to find her. Meanwhile, she is taken in by a boxer who returns to the ring to win the money needed to get her out of the country. Trouble ensues when her lover finally finds her after the match and begins beating on the exhausted fighter.
Bhola (Sunil Dutt) falls in love with his new neighbor Bindu (Saira Banu) and tries to woo her with his singing abilities. Only problem is Bhola is an awful singer and so he takes help from his actor friends and creates an elaborate ruse to woo Bindu. Padosan is an iconic movie of Hindi Cinema and a must-watch.
Set in the "not-too distant future", martial law has been declared in The City in leu of a looming earthquake. However, the earthquake is merely a ruse, a story fed to the public so the TWF (True World Forces) can capture an alien spotted over the city some few days earlier. A TWF agent runs into the alien (a *hottie* who can change her appearance, while always remaining - of course - a hottie), and the two go off and, um, compare their respective physiology (yeah, that's it).
British soldiers force a recently captured IRA terrorist to cooperate with them and then assign him to go undercover with a gang of terrorists and prevent them from killing the U.S. President. But the spy isn't in long before he realizes that the first plot is but a ruse for a more sinister scheme that could result in trouble between China and Great Britain. - Written by Ørnås
A lonely plumber poses as a director to meet women, and the writer whose script he's stolen builds on his ruse to get her movie made.
It had to happen. Having spent years of his working life uttering the phrase "I have a cunning plan..." Tony Robinson started to believe it. His magnificent ruse – to tour the UK with a one-man show which will make you laugh, cry, sing along and retch but will also answer the question uppermost on everybody's minds: - How did a man who made his name as a stinking, turnip-loving simpleton crawling through the trenches with Rowan Atkinson in Blackadder, hit the big time by grubbing around in the mud, alongside men with dubious fashion sense in Time Team, before achieving superstar status by rolling up his trousers to wade through urine in The Worst Jobs in History?
Zhenya and Nadya go their separate ways. Nadya stuck with her bureaucrat boyfriend, married him and had a daughter, also called Nadya. Zhenya married and had a son, Konstantin. Both later divorced. More than 30 years later, Konstantin ends up drunk in the flat where the younger Nadya finds him. He is there as part of a convoluted ruse by his father's friends to get Zhenya back into the arms of the woman with whom he shared a magical night. The waylaid son is the bait to get Zhenya back to Leningrad, now called St. Petersburg. One romance is rekindled and another between the son and daughter is struck up.
Xavier Alvarez est un petit architecte d'Aix-en-Provence en recherche perpétuelle de reconnaissance sociale. Il s'est fait tout seul et prospère, mais ne parvient pas à décrocher de gros marchés publics pour assouvir ses rêves de grandeur. Il décide donc de se lancer corps, âme et biens dans la campagne de Vincent Cluzel, le candidat outsider à la mairie, persuadé qu'il renverra l'ascenseur en cas de victoire. À force d'énergie et de ruse, il parvient à discréditer le favori et à faire élire son protégé. Mais leur amitié sincère, nouée dans la conquête du pouvoir, se heurte alors aux limites des intérêts et de l'ambition.
A wealthy young man is conned into staging a fake kidnapping in order to be a hero and win the affection of a girl he's madly in love with. But when one of the hired kidnappers is accidentally killed during the charade, he's forced to actually save her life while not revealing that it's been a ruse all along.

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