Güneşin Oğlu (2008)

Onur Ünlü

Main cast
Özgü Namal; Haluk Bilginer


Bütün hayatını bir mucize bekleyerek geçiren Fikri Şemsigil, sonunda bu mucizeyi yaşar ve 'Güneşin Oğlu' olduğunu öğrenir. Fakat yaşadığı mucize, düşündüğünün aksine Fikri Bey'in hayatını alt üst eder. Fikri Bey'in ruhu artık, çevresindeki insanların bedenlerine girip çıkmaktadır. Ve sonunda Fikri Bey, bu kez, yıllarca beklediği mucizeden kurtulmak için, gerçeklerin peşine düşmek zorunda olduğunu anlar. Olaylar çığırından çıkmıştır. Peki, karşı apartmandaki komşusu dünyalar güzeli kız ne olacaktır?

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Orchestra Rehearsal (Italian: Prova d'orchestra) is a 1978 Italian film directed by Federico Fellini. It follows an Italian orchestra as the members go on strike against the conductor. The film was shown out of competition at the 1979 Cannes Film Festival. Considered by some to be underrated Orchestra Rehearsal was the last collaboration between composer Nino Rota and Fellini, due to Rota's death in 1979.
The R of the title stands for the young protagonist, Rune, fearlessly played by Pilou Asbæk. Imprisoned for violent assault, he's a cocky, good-looking young man placed in the hardcore ward, where his survival depends on quickly learning the prison's parallel world of rules, honor, and obligations. R also stands for Rachid, a young Muslim prisoner who becomes Rune's friend and accomplice, defying the rigid racial stratifications among the inmates. Written by Los Angeles Film Festival
PÃ¥l dreams about becoming successful with his music, but he has one major obstacle: himself. He's a diamond in the rough, and the only things greater than his musical talent are his obsessions, which constantly get him into trouble. We follow PÃ¥l on an emotional journey one summer in Gothenburg where he is thrown between passion and deceit; love, reconciliation and deliverance.

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