My Sister's Kids in Jutland (2010)

Martin Miehe-Renard

Main cast
Peter Mygind; Mathilde Høgh Kølben; Sebastian Kronby; Lasse Guldberg Kamper; Frida Luna Roswall Mattson

Comedy, Family

I ’Min søsters børn vælter Nordjylland’ har Onkel Erik planer om at ombygge et gammelt tysk bunkeranlæg fra 2. verdenskrig til et familie-terapi-center – selvfølgelig med hjælp fra sin søsters fem børn. Vi udlodder 10 x 2 fribilletter til filmen samt merchandise. Deltag i konkurrencen ved at svare rigtigt på konkurrencespørgsmålet. Tak til Sandrew Metronome!

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Karla har ikke glemt Jonas. Og slet ikke det kys de udvekslede i sommerferien sidste år. Men hun har ikke haft modet til at ringe til ham og følge op på følelserne. Presset af sin bedste veninde Katrine tager hun sig sammen. Og naturligvis er Jonas klar til et møde. Sammen udvikler de et projekt, som går ud på at finde Jonas mor, som sandsynligvis bor i Århus. I ægte Sporløs-stil tager Karla og Jonas til Jylland for at finde en kvinde, der hedder Nanna. En film om at finde sin familie - og om at gøre det selv. En film om at gøre noget vigtigt sammen. Og også en film om ung kærlighed anno 2009.
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På et pensionat i den indre by bor Flora - en frisk Københavnerpige med en brændende drøm: Hun vil være journalist. Akkompagneret af høj grammofonmusik klaprer skrivemaskinen til langt ud på natten. Men det er ikke nemt at sælge historier til den travle presse, og Flora har kun Ún sidste idÚ, der kan sikre huslejen: Et interview med skibsreder Olivarius, der har købt en kostbar kinesisk statuette. Men intet bliver, som Flora forventer, og snart er hun på jagt efter en dramatisk røverihistorie og - ikke mindst - forelsket i den formodede tyv!
Returning to the same medical school where they were test subjects years before, two twisted serial killers use brutal sex acts to kill off a group of med students.
A year in the life of Alice Klieg, a woman with Borderline Personality Disorder who wins Mega-millions, quits her meds and buys her own talk show.
Fem danske stand-up komikere flygtede landet rund i foråret 2003. Flugten førte dem gennem 20 danske byer, hvor de nåede at lave 29 shows for mere end 16.000 publikummer. Lørdag den 5. april lagde Magasinet i Odense scene til showet med Carsten BAng, Lasse Rimmer, Omar Marzouk, Mikael Wulff og Sebastian Dørset. Samme aften blev showet optaget på video. Og et stykke tid senere blev det så udgivet. Og lige om lidt, så køber du det. Og så kan du se det igen og igen og måske ringe til dine venner og sige: "Kom og se det der 'Fem På Flugt' sammen med mig", og mens du venter på de kommer, kan du lige se det igen, før i allesammen ser det sammen. Og bagefter, der kan i så hygge jer med lige at se det igen. Eller måske bare hygge jer med lidt yatzy og en god gang svensk pølseret. Det er sådan set op til jer selv. Anyway, køb det her show. Kom nu. Så er du sød.
Nyblandad Grogg innehåller sketcher med Robert Gustafsson, Johan Wahlström, Sissela Kyle, Anna Björk och Stig Grybe. En DVD i nattsuddarstämning, ett relationsdrama med gubbar som hänger i baren fast de borde vara hemma. En sprängfylld version av TV-serien Grogg med alla favoriterna, en massa nytt och sketcherna som aldrig borde ha fått en andra chans. Sexistisk improvisation när den är som bäst. Robert Gustafsson som aggressiv östermalmstant klagar över "svartingar med sylvässade huggtänder som ritualslaktar hundvalpar i badkaret". Och den blinda indiern sjunger sin klassiska hyllningssång till spårvagnen. Alltså precis som vanligt, den icke normativa kreativitetens triumf i Schlegels anda, när Sveriges roligaste man slår till igen.
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Det lille lokaltog kommer møjsommeligt tøffende ind på Torslev station. Stationsforstanderen står iført tøfler på perronen og venter på toget. Da det standser, viser det sig, at der er en eneste passager med. En yngre fremmedartet, elegant klædt mand stiger ned på perronen med et par kufferter med en masse flotte mærker fra fremmede lande. Manden hedder Nelson. For mange år siden drog han udenlands. Nu vender han hjem for at se, hvordan det står til i hans fødeby.
The Backlund family is going on a caravanning holiday. According to the father Gösta it is the best way to see Sweden. The son Johan does not want to do anything but bathing and the daugther Lotta don't even want to come along. You get to see the Backlunds in resturants, beaches and caravan sites. Gösta likes to rule his family but it does not go very well.
Hör och häpna! De gamla kumpanerna Ragnar Vanheden och Dynamit Harry har bestämt sig för att bli...hederliga. Därför har de startat AB Alltjänst. Doris arbetar naturligtvis som firmans sekreterare. En dag blir Ragnar och Harry kontaktade av en äldre dam som erbjuder dem ett aningen originellt uppdrag: att bevaka Kungliga Operan i Stockholm.Den gamla damen har emellertid ett kriminellt förflutet. Och inte nog med det - hon är ocksp Sickans mormor! Och som inte detta skulle räcka, bor även Sickans lillebror, Sven-Ingvar, kvar hemma hos mormor! Det visar sig att den gamle ärkeskurken Wall-Enberg tänker lägga beslag på Operans hela Eu bidrag i maskopi med den avgående Operachefen och en italiensk kumpan med djupa förgreningar i den sicilianska maffian. Nu gäller det för Jönssonligan - förlåt - AB Alltjänst att hinna före. Och det blir bråttom...oerhört bråttom!
After Yu's mother dies his father, a priest, only seems to take solace in the confessions of his sons sins causing Yu to partake in various 'sinful' activities to appease him. This is a teen love story as only the Japanese could bring us, complete with up-skirt photography, cross dressing, and bloody gore.
The Magnificent Seven Deadly Sins is a 1971 British comedy film directed and produced by Graham Stark. Its title is a conflation of The Magnificent Seven and the seven deadly sins. It comprises a sequence of seven sketches, each representing a sin and written by an array of British comedy-writing talent. The sketches are linked by animation sequences. The music score is by British jazz musician Roy Budd, cinematography by Harvey Harrison and editing by Rod Nelson-Keys and Roy Piper. It was produced by Tigon Pictures and distributed in the U.K. by Tigon Film Distributors Ltd..
Almost 30 years has passed and Gösta and Gun are retired. This summer they're going on a trip to their sons wedding in Göstas new RV.
Sedam I Po is a Serbian movie. Seven stories from the hood that connects the leitmotif of the seven deadly sins, in a comic way of treating everyday life if Belgrade people, possessed by it's own small weaknesses. Tthey do not hesitate to go beyond the moral, since each of them understands morality in their own way. The story of the seven deadly sins, however, is not moralizing - it reveals that in spite of sin and errors there is a moment of purification and redemption of the hero. Their lives are not sinful in the Christian sense, their weaknesses are consequence of the times we live in. Pride, in despair, sloth, envy, anger, greed, debauchery and intemperance in eating and drinking - to include a biblical sin, but in modern times would be almost absurd in the context of a much bigger and worse problems of civilization. Therefore, the scenario calls for constant laughter - master your fears and problems, laugh at myself in it; it is a way of overcoming his own pain.
Med showet "Propaganda" vendte Mick Øgendahl i 2010 tilbage til sine foretrukne omgivelser - en scene, en mikrofon og et publikum. Mere end 100 udsolgte shows taler deres eget sprog! Med Mick Øgendahl i absolut storform er der garanti for fantastisk underholdning. Også selv om emnerne er så forskellige som rengøringsprodukter, parforhold, Karen Blixen, gratisaviser, biler, teenageekspedienter og meget, meget mere... Mick Øgendahl er en af landets absolut mest populære komikere og med dette show beviser han igen hvorfor. For Mick er der ingen emner, der er for små til at blive taget under behandling - og ingen der er for store.
After the lord of darkness decides he will not cede his thrown to any of his three sons, the two most powerful of them escape to Earth to create a kingdom for themselves. This action closes the portal filtering sinful souls to Hell and causes Satan to wither away. He must send his most weak but beloved son, Little Nicky, to Earth to return his brothers to Hell.
The story revolves around a Basque Roman Catholic priest dedicated to committing as many sins as possible (Angulo), a death metal salesman from Carabanchel (Segura), and the Italian host of a TV show on the occult (De Razza). These go on a literal "trip" through Christmas-time Madrid to hunt for and prevent the reincarnation of the Antichrist.
America's three top leisure-time activities come roaring to life in National Lampoon's Favorite Deadly Sins. This film consists of three short stories: Greed (Joe Mantegna), Anger (Andrew Clay) and Lust (Denis Leary).
As Sister Mary delivers a lecture on sin and its consequences, she's interrupted by several of her former students, who have little positive to say about how a Catholic education has impacted their lives.
It's Christmas Eve in Tinseltown and Sin-Dee is back on the block. Upon hearing that her pimp boyfriend hasn't been faithful during the 28 days she was locked up, the working girl and her best friend, Alexandra, embark on a mission to get to the bottom of the scandalous rumor. Their rip-roaring odyssey leads them through various subcultures of Los Angeles, including an Armenian family dealing with their own repercussions of infidelity.
Studio publicist (Power) discovers Minnesota skating teacher (Henie) and takes her to Hollywood. She goes back to Minnesota but he follows her.
Two actors, as their make up is applied, talk about the size of their parts. Then into the film: Laurence Sterne's unfilmable novel, Tristram Shandy, a fictive autobiography wherein the narrator, interrupted constantly, takes the entire story to be born. The film tracks between "Shandy" and behind the scenes. Size matters: parts, egos, shoes, noses. The lead's girlfriend, with their infant son, is up from London for the night, wanting sex; interruptions are constant. Scenes are shot, re-shot, and discarded. The purpose of the project is elusive. Fathers and sons; men and women; cocks and bulls. Life is amorphous, too full and too rich to be captured in one narrative.
In this musical remake of The Shop Around the Corner, feuding co-workers in a small music shop do not realize they are secret romantic pen pals.
Two-part story--the first is about a washed-up Broadway actor and his tough daughter, who is a bigger star than he is; the second is about a literary agent whose newest client--a nine-year-old boy--is the author of a borderline pornographic book.
Et sted på Fyn, hvor de levende hegn omkranser de bugnede marker, ligger Uglegaarden. Det er den største og rigeste gård i sognet, og den ejes af enken Dora og hendes tre brovtende stedsønner Karl, Viggo og Thomas. Deres faste tilholdssted er landsbyens kro, hvor kropigen Sara må finde sig i deres grovkornede tilnærmelser. De tre brødre har store planer med den lille nabogård Mosegaarden. De har opdaget, at under Mosegaardens magre marker og høje skrænter findes rågrus i store mængder. Chr. Thorup, der ejer stedet, har belånt gården til langt op over skorstene. Nu venter Uglegaards-brødrene bare på det rigtige tidspunkt til at overtage Mosegaarden. Men da Thourps søn, Henrik, uventet dukker op på Mosegaarden, bliver der kastet grus i de tre brødres skumle planer.
While taking a holiday in the country with his mother, Dennis hits on a scheme to impress a girl so that she'll go away on a trip with him as his girlfriend. Although he fails to gain any interest from the girl, the police take a great interest in his story. From this point on, Dennis digs a deeper hole for himself at every turn
I 'Winnie og Karina' har den kristne TV-kanal HKKs dynamiske bestyrelsesformand brug for en kompensationscheck fra det offentlige for at resocialisere et par kriminelle. Fængselsinspektøren i Vestre Fængsel har brug for ro og orden og DR2-journalisten Julie har brug for to prøveløsladte kvinder til sit tema-lørdag projekt. Alle pile peger på kaosbomberne Winnie og Karina, der lider af den vildfarelse, at de får 1 million hver for at møde på resocialiserende arbejde på HKK. Winnie og Karina bliver receptionister fra helvede på TV-stationen, mens de i fritiden sysler med planer om indbrud i Bullers pølsevogn, der angiveligt gemmer på to millioner kroner.
Walter Mitty, a daydreaming writer with an overprotective mother, likes to imagine that he is a hero who experiences fantastic adventures. His dream becomes reality when he accidentally meets a mysterious woman who hands him a little black book. According to her, it contains the locations of the Dutch crown jewels hidden since World War II. Soon, Mitty finds himself in the middle of a confusing conspiracy, where he has difficulty differentiating between fact and fiction.
Sacha is a real seducer, a man with no ties or emotional or professional. Charlotte is a modern and independent woman, but barely has time to care for their three children. While Sacha and Charlotte are, at first glance, two incompatible beings, when they meet soon discover that they are quite complementary and need each other.
BIG PLANS follows the petty and irresponsible crook Willy, who has a massive fondness for music. Though he's 38 years of age he will not give up his lifelong dream of becoming a famous musician. When he gets paroled he therefore decides to revive his old band to prove to his eight-year-old son, Mikkel, that he isn't the failure everyone thinks he is.
After serving as a bridesmaid 27 times, a young woman wrestles with the idea of standing by her sister's side as her sibling marries the man she's secretly in love with.
French filmmaker Jacques Becker's Edouard et Caroline has been described as a film without a story. This isn't quite true, though the most memorable aspect of the film is the byplay between the two title characters. Edouard (Daniel Gelin) is a young, headstrong musician. Caroline (Anne Vernon) is his flibbertigibbet spouse. The two quarrel over an evening dress, they separate and then reunite. These farcical proceedings are counterpointed by Becker's naturalistic choice of settings, including Eduoard and Caroline's less-than-fashionable apartment and the prison-like confines of Caroline's uncle's mansion.
Christopher Columbus believes he can find an alternative route to the far East and persuades the King and Queen of Spain to finance his expedition...
Alex is a disgruntled waitress at a snobby exclusive restaurant who falls on hard times. Forced to deal with the contempt and disgust of the upper class, Alex & cohorts attempt to go on a rampage. Meanwhile, General Karprov and Spider plot to involve the inept anarchists into their plans to derail the prime-minister-to-be's campaign.
Mary Fiore, San Francisco's premiere wedding planner is rescued from an accident by the man of her dreams, pediatrician Steve Edison, only to find he is the fiancé of her latest client, wealthy Fran Donnolly. As Mary continues making the wedding arrangements, she and Steve are put into a string of uncomfortable situations that force them to face their mutual attraction.
This movie is about strange relationships in one "noname" gymnasium in Czech republic.
Jonathan Switcher, an unemployed artist, finds a job as an assistant window dresser for a department store. When Jonathan happens upon a beautiful mannequin he previously designed, she springs to life and introduces herself as Emmy, an Egyptian under an ancient spell. Despite interference from the store's devious manager, Jonathan and his mannequin fall in love while creating eye-catching window displays to keep the struggling store in business.
For years Yellowbeard had looted the Spanish Main, making men eat their lips and swallow their hearts. Caught and convicted for tax evasion, he's sentenced to 20 years in St. Victim's Prison for the Extremely Naughty. In a scheme to confiscate his fabulous treasure, the Royal Navy allows him to escape and follows him, where saucy tarts, lisping demigods and some awful puns and punishments await.
George Lester is a man who is chasing rainbows, looking for the pot of gold at the end. When his wife, Pamela grows tired of being dragged all over the world, she leaves him. While she is away, George converts her family home into a discotheque, when she returns, she threatens to send George to jail for fraud, cause she didn't give her approval. George needing some fast bucks, decides to turn to an old cohort of his, William Homer but Willy's a little short. George then decides to steal the plans to a new drill, Pamela's suitor, Dudley Heath is working on. But when George gets the mumps, he can't make it to the meeting place and refuses to give Willy the plans unless he gives him the cash first. And the buyers won't give unless they see the merchandise first. Written by

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