Bamse och den flygande mattan (1972)


Main cast
Olof Thunberg

Fantasy, Family, Animation

När Bamse äter Farmors märkliga dunder-honung blir han världens starkaste björn. Världens snällaste björn är han alltid. Tillsammans med vännerna Lille Skutt och Skalman ger han sig ut på många spännande äventyr. På Farmors vind hittar Bamse och Lille Skutt en flygande matta. Den flyger iväg med dem till okända platser. Målet för resan är en borg ovanför molnen. Där bor en elak trollkarl.

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I Morgenthalers frugtroadmovie er Torben et struttende blankskinnende æble med en drøm: At lykkes som udstillingsæble i frugtafdelingens strålende rampelys. Livsdrømmen knuses, da en orm en solskinsmorgen stikker sit hoved ud gennem Torbens blanke skind. Torben rystes ned fra træet af de panikslagne andre æbler. Nede på jorden møder han æblevennen Newton, og han må nu i følgeskab med Newton udføre en halsbrækkende plan for at slippe af med ormen, som for resten hedder Silvia og er meget flink.
Filmen er en fortsættelse af Hold fingrene fra mor. Dansk folkekomedie fra 1951. Berthe Quistgaard og Helge Kjærulff-Schmidt har hovedrollerne i dette dejlige kærlighedsspil. Lulu Vänner står for at skulle gifte sig for fjerde gang. Hun er mor til fire med tre forskellige mænd, men måske er fjerde gang lykkens gang. Selvom børnene godt kan lide Lulus tilkommende, John Carstensen, er de ikke vilde med tanken om giftermål.
Camp Hope is a summer retreat for overweight boys run by a kindly couple who make the campers feel comfortable with their extra pounds. But when tyrannical fitness guru Tony buys the camp, he puts the kids on a cruel regimen that goes too far. Sick of the endless weeks of "all work and no play," the kids stage a coup and reclaim their summer of fun.
Det lille lokaltog kommer møjsommeligt tøffende ind på Torslev station. Stationsforstanderen står iført tøfler på perronen og venter på toget. Da det standser, viser det sig, at der er en eneste passager med. En yngre fremmedartet, elegant klædt mand stiger ned på perronen med et par kufferter med en masse flotte mærker fra fremmede lande. Manden hedder Nelson. For mange år siden drog han udenlands. Nu vender han hjem for at se, hvordan det står til i hans fødeby.
After the death of their loved ones in a tragic plane crash 'Harrison Ford' and Kristin Scott Thomas find each others keys in each others loved ones posessions and realize that they were having an affair and must figure out all the details. Written by Andy HeitzThe wife of Police Sergeant Dutch Van Den Broek and the husband of politician Kay Chandler are killed in a plane crash. Now Dutch discovers some anomalies in what he told her before she left and discovers that she and Chandler's husband were travelling together. Dutch then goes to Chandler and tells her that he suspects that they were having an affair. He tells her that he wants to know the truth; she tells him that she doesn't but she later joins him and they grow close.
A corporate attorney quits his job at a high profile law firm to become the singer at a an old cocktail lounge called the Foxes Den, becoming deeply involved in the lives of its staff and regulars.
Paul (Macfadyen), a prize-winning war journalist, returns to his remote New Zealand hometown due to the death of his father, battle-scarred and world-weary. For the discontented sixteen-year-old Celia (Barclay) he opens up a world she has only dreamed of. She actively pursues a friendship with him, fascinated by his cynicism and experience of the world beyond her small-town existence. But many, including the members of both their families (Otto, Moy), frown upon the friendship and when Celia goes missing, Paul becomes the increasingly loathed and persecuted prime suspect in her disappearance. As the violent and urgent truth gradually emerges, Paul is forced to confront the family tragedy and betrayal that he ran from as a youth, and to face the grievous consequences of silence and secrecy that has surrounded his entire adult life.
Den här gången är Jönssonligan verkligen illa ute. Charles-Ingvar Jönsson, "Sickan" kallad, har dragit sig tillbaka. Vanheden och Dynamit-Harry är lämnade åt sig själva. Polisen jublar förstås, men Jönssonligan avskriver man inte så lätt! De är tillbaka... Fräckare!... Roligare!... tidigare! Denna gång anförda av den genialiske doktor M.A. Busé - och målet är Romanoffs diamant som nu ställs ut på Nationalmuseum i Stockholm...
After moving with her husband to a new house to cope from the accident that recently blinded her, a Den Mother continues to be haunted by guilt over the death of a girl scout until the couple find a little girl living hidden in their house, revealing unthinkable dark secrets.
"How do you start over once you have betrayed a nation's trust?" The news of Hansie Cronjé's involvement with Indian bookmakers and his resulting public confession rocked the international sporting community. An unprecedented rise to glory was followed by the most horrific fall. A tarnished hero fueled the nation's fury.
Den store barnedåpen (English: The great christening) is a 1931 Norwegian comedy film directed by Tancred Ibsen, starring Einar Sissener, Aase Bye and Agnete Schibsted-Hansson. It was the first feature-length Norwegian sound film. The lacklustre Harald (Sissener) is taken in by Alvilde (Bye), and charged with looking after her bastard child. It soon dawns on both of them that Harald has more potential than previously assumed.
Two federal agents (John Ireland, Richard Denning) do not believe an atomic-bomb threat is just another war game.
Patricia Medina plays the title character in The Buckskin Lady. Medina is cast as female gambler Angela Medley, who is forced by circumstances to align herself with outlaw Slinger (Gerald Mohr). But Angela has never gotten over her love for honest frontier doctor Bruce Merritt (Richard Denning), and at the first opportunity she redeems herself by catching a bullet intended for the doc. Henry Hull delivers the film's most memorable performance as Angela's drunken wretch of a father. Per the title, Buckskin Lady affords the viewer ample opportunity to see Patricia Medina in form-fitting western garb.
This film tells the tale of the Harper Affair, in which young Jimmy Harper finds his life of promise turn into a life of debauchery and murder thanks to the new drug menace marijuana. Along the way he receives help from his girlfriend Mary and Jesus himself, but always finds himself in the arms of the Reefer Man and the rest of the denizens of the Reefer Den.
Januari 1963. Ondanks het barre weer besluit het bestuur van het Friese Elfstedencomité, onder druk van de media, met de kleinst mogelijke meerderheid van stemmen, dat de Elfstedentocht doorgaat. Tussen de duizenden die een startbewijs veroveren bevinden zich soldaat Henk Buma (Cas Janssen), boerenzoon Sjoerd Lelkama (Lourens van den Akker), arbeider Kees Ferwerda (Chris Zegers) en verpleegkundige Annemiek (Chava voor in 't Holt). Alle vier hebben zo hun reden om deze tocht der tochten te rijden. Door de dramatische en heroïsche gebeurtenissen zal deze Elfstedentocht, ook voor Henk, Sjoerd, Kees en Annemiek, als een van de meest legendarische de geschiedenis ingaan.
Quinn Taylor and his friend Nick are on their way back from Mexico with a load of Spanish Fly to sell in the States. They stop at a gentlemen's club called The Devil's Den and decide to test out their product on the unsuspecting women there. Only, these women aren't really human, and the two men find themselves in a very fatal position. Also tossed in are a female-assassin on the hunt for Quinn, a monster hunter!
A young woman studying the habits of webcam chat users from the apparent safety of her apartment witnesses a brutal murder online and is quickly immersed in a nightmare in which she and her loved ones are targeted for the same grisly fate as the first victim.
Hans og Mona beslutter at give deres respektive ægtefælder lidt at tænke over, ved at blive fundet i en kompromitterende situation under en fælles ferie. For at lette den lidt akavede stemning, beslutter de at søge hjælp i barskabet, hvor de får mikset en potent cocktail sammen, som de døber Grøn Elevator. Det bliver starten på en munter aften.
Han-kyung a rustic girl, comes to town to live with her mom. Attracted to her pure charm, the most popular guys Hae-won and Tae-sung come up to fight each other. But Tae- sung has a fatal secret not to love her. Their sad love triangle makes everyone cry.
Den siste Fleksnes (English: The last Fleksnes) is a 1974 Norwegian comedy film directed by Bo Hermansson, starring Rolv Wesenlund and Aud Schønemann. The film is based on the television sitcom Fleksnes Fataliteter.Marve Fleksnes (Wesenlund) lives a comfortable life with his mother (Schønemann), but misses a woman in his life. He is afraid he might become the last Fleksnes. His mother enrols him in a charm school, where he excels. At the same time, a young lady moves into the apartment across the hall.
A pawnbroker is found murdered in a remote town in a derelict building. Three people come under suspicion but all of them have perfect alibis and the investigation comes to a standstill. Almost fifteen years pass and the lead inspector decides to reinvestigate. Fifteen years earlier, the victim’s son killed his father to save his beloved from being raped by him. And the girl killed her mother when she found out the boy had killed his father. For fifteen years, the boy has been eliminating anyone that tries to interfere with her life. He exists as a shadow, requiring nothing from her in return. She knows what he has done for her sake but looks away from it. As their love grows, more crimes happen. As their sin grows, the inspector’s chase comes closer to them.
Den Spanske Flue (The Spanish Fly) is a situation comedy-farce, set in the home of businessman Ludvik Klinke in 1915s Christiania. Struggling to keep his hag of a wife happy, while trying to secure his daughter a nice husband, things are about to get a whole lot worse when a fling from his past turns up on his doorstep. But who is this young lad, who calls him dad?
Gang-du is a dim-witted man working at his father's tiny snack bar near the Han River. One day, Gang-du's one and only daughter Hyun-seo comes back from school irritated. She is angry at her uncle, Nam-il, who visited her school as her guardian shamelessly drunk. Ignoring her father's excuses for Nam-il, Hyun-seo is soon engrossed in her aunt Nam-joo's archery tournament on TV. Meanwhile, outside of the snack bar, people are fascinated by an unidentified object hanging onto a bridge. In an instant, the object reveals itself as a terrifying creature turning the riverbank into a gruesome sea of blood¡¦ Amid the chaos, Hyun-seo is helplessly snatched up by the creature right before Gang-du's eyes. These unforeseen circumstances render the government powerless to act. But receiving a call of help from Hyun-seo, the once-ordinary citizen Gang-du and his family are thrust into a battle with the monster to rescue their beloved Hyun-seo.
Felicie and Charles have a serious if whirlwind holiday romance.
Show from Jan Gintberg's fourth stand-up comedy tour "Den grimme melding" in 2004, this year with assistance from Jonatan Spang.
In the year 198 BC, Cao Cao (Chow Yun Fat), Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, ventured to the east and defeated China's greatest warrior Lu Bu, terrifying every ambitious warlord across the country. Several years later, after taking the Han Emperor under his wing, Cao crowns himself King of Wei. He built a magnificent Bronze Sparrow Island to symbolize his power and rumors spread that he would replace the Emperor. Meanwhile, young lovers Mu Shun (Hiroshi Tamaki) and Ling Ju (Liu Yi-Fei) are taken from a prison camp to a hidden tomb, where they spend five cruel years together, training as assassins for a secret mission. In the year 220 BC astronomical signs predict dramatic change. As a result, Cao's son Cao Pi (Yau Sam-Chi) and Cao's followers urge Cao to become the new Emperor - but unknown opposing forces plot against him.
On the first morning after getting married Napat goes out telling his wife Sipang he will be back later...however he never returns leading her into the gambling dens of Bangkok to find out all she did not know about him and to try to get him back....
Six years ago a mysterious shooting takes place in Seoul. The after effects of the shooting results in Han-kyu Lee (Song Kang-Ho) losing his job at the NIS (National Intelligence Service). Six years later, Ji-won Song (Kang Dong-Won), an ex North Korean spy. now operates somewhere in the Seoul metropolitan area. As these two men hide their identities and work their particular angles, trouble brews again ....
Frank Rautenbach leads a strong cast as Angus Buchan, a Zambian farmer of Scottish heritage, who leaves his farm in the midst of political unrest and racially charged land reclaims and travels south with his family to start a better life in KwaZulu Natal,South Africa.
Mr. Kim is jobless, lost in debt and has been dumped by his girlfriend. He decides to end it all by jumping into the Han River - only to find himself washed up on a small, mid-river island. He soon abandons thoughts of suicide or rescue and begins a new life as a castaway. His antics catch the attention of a young woman whose apartment overlooks the river. Her discovery changes both their lives.
After his wife Marjan has died in a car crash, Philip de Wit becomes a total wreck. Only after months does he return to a more or less normal life and even then he only works in his wife's bookstore. A year later Eileen walks in the store, a girl from Northern Ireland with her baby in her arms. When Philip sees her, he's dumbfounded, for she's the spitting image of his dead wife. Obsessed with her, he goes and tries to find her again, but he soon finds out that he's not the only one who's looking for Eileen.
In a quiet corner of Seoul, Jung-won runs a small photo studio. A humble shack passed down from his widower father, the studio is a space where Jung-won goes about his daily routine of dealing with fussy customers, enlarging photos of class heartthrobs for the neighborhood kids and photographing pictures to place on funeral altars. For Jung-won, life seems to be a series of peaceful events, but in reality his time on earth is too limited for comfort. Barely in his mid-30's, but perhaps too aware of the meaning of death, Jung-won accepts his fate despite the subtle gestures of concern he gets from his old father and younger sister. Life goes on as usual until one day he meets Darim, an employee at the Traffic Control Division of the local district office. She is a regular customer at the studio who comes everyday to develop snapshots of parking violations...
Two Tokyo co-workers come across a destitute young lady in search of a place to live.

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