Krummerne (1991)

Sven Methling

Main cast
Laus Høybye; Karen-Lise Mynster; Dick Kaysø; Line Kruse; Lukas Forchhammer

Family, Comedy

Familiefilm om den hyggelige danske familie Krumborg. Far (Dick Kaysø) er sløjdlærer og skolens klovn, mor (Karen Lis Mynster) er børnepædagog og hele tiden under videreuddannelse. Der er en oprørsk teenagedatter (Line Kruse) og en baby (Lukas Forchammer), men historien handler især om den elleveårige Mads (Laus Høybye), kaldet Krumme, der er ulykkeligt forelsket, uden at familien mærker det. Da familien er træt af balladen i det betonbyggeri, hvor den har en lejlighed, beslutter den at købe et gammelt hus, selvom der dårligt er råd til det. To klodsede bankrøvere (Peter Schrøder & Jarl Friis-Mikkelsen) har imidlertid skjult deres bytte i huset

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Everything can change in an instant ... and take a lifetime to unravel. When Mac McDonald loses his son in an accident, the ensuing 17 years of bitterness and pain erodes his love for his family and leaves him angry with God ... and just about everyone else. Mac's rage stonewalls his career in the police department and makes for a combustible situation when he's partnered with Sam Wright, a rising star on the force who happens to be a part-time pastor and a loving family man. Can they somehow join forces to help one another when it's impossible for either of them to look past their differences-especially the most obvious one? Every day, we have the opportunity to rebuild relationships and heal deep wounds by extending and receiving God's grace. Offer THE GRACE CARD ... and never underestimate the power of God's love.
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