Quartier VIP (2005)

Laurent Firode

Main cast
Pascal Légitimus; Valeria Bruni Tedeschi; Johnny Hallyday; François Berléand; Catherine Jacob


Gardien à la Santé, Alex mène une petite vie tranquille aux côtés de son épouse Louisette et de son collègue et copain René. Muté au quartier des V.I.P., il se voit proposer par l'un des détenus, Bertrand, un businessman condamné pour affaires frauduleuses, un étrange marché : Claire, l'épouse de Bertrand, a décidé de se séparer d'un mari devenu encombrant tout en profitant de sa fortune. Alex est alors chargé de lui proposer une affaire financière alléchante mais bidon qui pourrait permettre à Bertrand de récupérer son argent. Désireux de mettre un peu de piment dans sa vie, Alex accepte de jouer le jeu et de se comporter pendant ses soirées en homme d'affaires suisse et discret ! Claire est séduite. Très vite, Bertrand réalise qu'Alex s'intéresse vraiment à sa femme, Claire découvre la supercherie financière et Louisette la trahison conjugale...

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Roger, 11 ans, mal aimé par sa mère, rudoyé par son père, atterrit, en 1947, dans une petite école d'un village d'Anjou comme pensionnaire, où sévit une institutrice revêche et au grand coeur, surnommée "Mumu les petites pattes"...
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Considered one of the greatest films ever made, The Rules of the Game (La règle du jeu), by Jean Renoir, is a scathing critique of corrupt French society cloaked in a comedy of manners in which a weekend at a marquis’ country château lays bare some ugly truths about a group of haut bourgeois acquaintances. The film has had a tumultuous history: it was subjected to cuts after the violent response of the premiere audience in 1939, and the original negative was destroyed during World War II; it wasn’t reconstructed until 1959.
Ben, 35 ans, profite des 30 ans de Karine pour lui faire ce qu'elle n'attendait plus. Sa déclaration d'amour, la totale : mariage, vie à deux, appart', enfants, chien, ou l'inverse. Une petite révolution pour Ben, fermement accroché depuis trois ans à son indépendance. Mais il est trop tard, Karine profite de ce dîner anniversaire pour lui annoncer que c'est fini. Pour Ben l'angoisse commence.
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Narrating in voiceover, Tahimik explains the patterns of daily life in the village. He has a fascination with the Voice of America broadcasts, and particularly with the space program. He longs to be part of the developed world, and forms the Werner von Braun fan club. When an American arrives for an aborted international conference, he gets his chance. The American asks him to come to Paris, to run his chewing-gum-ball machine concession on the streets. In Paris, and on a trip to Germany, he makes friends and discovers that progress in the developed world sacrifices important values. Backgrounded by footage of a summit meeting in Paris, and unable to return to an idealized image of his past, he stubbornly refuses to capitulate to the terms of progress, resigning from his post as head of the Werner von Braun fan club and maintaining that he will find his own way.
Batman learns that he has a violent, unruly pre-teen son with Talia al Ghul named Damian Wayne who is secretly being raised by Ra's al Ghul and the League of Assassins. When Ra's al Ghul apparently dies after a battle with Deathstroke, Batman must work to stop his long-lost son from taking revenge and guiding him to a righteous path, in addition to the chance for the pair to truly acknowledging each other as family.
A frustrated son tries to determine the facts from the fiction in his dying father's life.
The eighth and last of the Pink Panther series. The illegitimate son of Inspector Clouseau is on the case of the kidnapped Princess Yasmin.
John Q is a 2002 film by Nick Cassavetes; starring Denzel Washington as John Quincy Archibald, a father and husband whose son is diagnosed with an enlarged heart and then finds out he cannot receive a transplant because HMO insurance will not cover it. Therefore, he decides to take a hospital full of patients hostage until the hospital puts his son's name on the donor's list.
Orthodox Indian, Raichand, would like his two sons to live together with him and his wife, and get married to girls' of his choice. One of his sons, Rahul, is adopted, while Rohan is his real son. Rahul falls in love with a poor Indian girl named Anjali, and incurs the displeasure of Raichand, they argue and fight, as a result Rahul leaves the house, moves to Britain, and settles down. Raichand now focuses his attention on his real son, Rohan, who has no plans to get married, but is determined to bring Rahul and Anjali back home so that they can be together again. Will Raichand permit Rohan to have his way, or will he also ask him to leave the house?
Telly Paretta is a grieving mother struggling to cope with the loss of her 8-year-old son. She is stunned when her psychiatrist reveals that she has created eight years of memories about a son she never had. But when she meets a man who has had a similar experience, Telly embarks on a search to prove her son's existence, and her sanity.
Gladiator is an epic film of love, death and betrayal set in the Roman Empire. General Maximus' success in battle earns the favour of an elderly Emperor at the expense of the Emperor's son. In a fit of jealous rage the son slays his father before turning his anger towards Maximus. Now reduced to a slave, his family dead, Maximus must fight as a gladiator to gain his freedom, and his revenge.
John Gregory, who is a seventh son of a seventh son and also the local spook, has protected he country from witches, boggarts, ghouls and all manner of things that go bump in the night. However John is not young anymore, and has been seeking an apprentice to carry on his trade. Most have failed to survive. The last hope is a young farmer's son named Thomas Ward. Will he survive the training to become the spook that so many others couldn't?
A filmmaker trying to memorialize his murdered friend discovers that the woman who killed him was pregnant with his late friend's son.
Kadal (English: Sea) is an upcoming Tamil film being directed and produced by Mani Ratnam. The film features debutant Gautham Karthik, son of actor Karthik and debutant Thulasi Nair, daughter of Radha in the lead roles. The film will be dubbed and released simultaneously in Telugu as Kadali.
Mike Sullivan works as a hit man for crime boss John Rooney. Sullivan views Rooney as a father figure, however after his son is witness to a killing, Mike Sullivan finds himself on the run in attempt to save the life of his son and at the same time looking for revenge on those who wronged him.
Tim Avery, an aspiring cartoonist, finds himself in a predicament when his dog stumbles upon the mask of Loki. Then after conceiving an infant son "born of the mask", he discovers just how looney child raising can be.
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Stanley is about to get a sex change operation that will finally allow him to actually be what he’s already been in his mind for a long time: a woman. Yet before this happens she suddenly runs into her son who ends up coming for the trip across the United States.
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In the post-apocalyptic future, reigning tyrannical supercomputers teleport a cyborg assassin known as the "Terminator" back to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor, whose unborn son is destined to lead insurgents against 21st century mechanical hegemony. Meanwhile, the human-resistance movement dispatches a lone warrior to safeguard Sarah. Can he stop the virtually indestructible killing machine?
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After losing the woman of his dreams, Anderson is convinced he'll never fall in love again. But at the urging of his best friend, he spontaneously proposes to a dissatisfied waitress named Katie and an innocent dare evolves into the kind of love that both have been looking for all along.
All My Sons tells the story of Joe Keller, a successful, middle-aged, self-made man who has done a terrible and tragic thing: during World War II, rushing to meet an order from the Army, he knowingly sold them defective airplane parts which later caused the planes to crash and killed 21 men. He framed his business partner for this crime and engineered his own exoneration; now, his son is about to marry the partner's daughter, the affair is revisited, and his lie of a life is unraveled. Joe has spent his entire life in the single-minded pursuit of wealth for the sake of his family, an American Dream gone nightmarishly awry; this is a story about responsibility: Joe and his generation must understand that the boys he killed--all the boys in the War--were his sons, too.
Jimmie is seeing his single friends get married one by one. He isn't too worried until his girlfriend Anne catches the bouquet at his friend Marco's wedding. Suddenly, his wild mustang days are numbered. He finally decides to propose to her, but he sticks his foot in his mouth and botches the proposal. Being insulted by the defeatist proposal, Anne leaves town on an assignment. After she's gone, he finds out that his recently-deceased grandfather's will stipulates that he gets nothing of a multi-million dollar fortune unless he's married by 6:05pm on his 30th birthday: tomorrow! Not being able to find Anne, Jimmie begins backtracking through his past girlfriends to find a wife.
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Through a series of misunderstandings, Alvin, Simon and Theodore come to believe that Dave is going to propose to his new girlfriend in New York City - and dump them. They have three days to get to him and stop the proposal.
For Apart from You, Mikio Naruse turned his camera on the lives of working women, which he would continue to do throughout his long career. In this gently devastating drama, a critical breakthrough for the director, he contrasts the life of an aging geisha, whose angry teenage son is ashamed of her profession, with that of her youthful counterpart, a lovely young girl resentful of her family for forcing her into a life of ignominy.
Taylor is a man who has no problems with women. So confident is he that he accepts a challenge from his friends: he has to secure proposals of marriage from three women of their choice.
Honest cop Tim Kerry struggles to keep his son Ritzy from becoming involved in a crime ring.
This film is about eight individuals facing the most brilliant separations in their lives. The passionate fire fighter, 30 years old, tries to propose to his lover but every time he misses the chance. In the meantime, she becomes anxious whenever she hears a siren. Suk-hyeon intends to break up with her jobless lover, Ha-seok, and he begins an agency that helps other lovers to break up. Juyeong is mad at her son's troubles in school, but she realizes that she has little time to spend with him. Su-eun, with a hearing impairment and a burn on her face, falls in her first love but she doesn't have the courage to come out in his presence.
Unable to find her runaway son, a woman deceives two of her ex-lovers from her youth, a mild-mannered teacher and a tough journalist, that each is the real father in order to obtain their help.
Eighteen-year-old Shira is the youngest daughter of the Mendelman family. She is about to be married off to a promising young man of the same age and background. It is a dream come true, and Shira feels prepared and excited. On Purim, her twenty-eight-year-old sister, Esther, dies while giving birth to her first child, Mordechay. The pain and grief that overwhelm the family postpone Shira's promised match. Everything changes when a match is proposed to Yochay-Esther's late husband-to a widow from Belgium. Yochay feels it's too early, although he realizes that sooner or later he must seriously consider getting married again. When the girls' mother finds out that Yochay may marry the widow and move to Belgium with her only grandchild, she proposes a match between Shira and the widower. Shira will have to choose between her heart's wish and her family duty. She will find out that the void which she must choose exists only within her heart.
Takada, a Japanese fisherman has been estranged from his son for many years, but when the son is diagnosed with terminal cancer his daughter-in-law, Rie, summons him to the hospital. Through a series of obstacles and relationships, he is brought unexpectedly closer to both an understanding of himself and of his son.
BearCity is a hirsute "Sex and the City," following the funny, romantic, and occasionally dramatic adventures of a group of bears and cubs in New York City. The sequel, BearCity 2 follows our familiar characters and a few new ones as they head to Provincetown, MA for Bear Week!

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