Cabaret Paradis (2006)

Gilles Benizio; Corinne Benizio

Main cast
Corinne Benizio ; Gilles Benizio; Michel Vuillermoz; Christian Hecq; Riton Liebman


Shirley and Dino, a couple of fairground entertainers, buy an old shaggy cabaret, which they desperately try to put back on its feet... Shirley et Dino débarquent à Paris pour reprendre le cabaret que leur oncle leur a légué. Au bord de la faillite, l'établissement est convoité par des truands du quartier, prêts à tout pour se débarrasser des nouveaux propriétaires. Mais c'est sans compter sur l'inventivité, l'innocence et la ténacité de Shirley et Dino... qui ont une semaine pour sauver leur Cabaret Paradis.

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Jeune cadre dynamique, marié et père de deux enfants,Jérôme Ozendron rêve d'écrire et d'échapper à une vie qu'il estime médiocre. La rencontre avec un ancien camarade, devenu acteur, lui fait côtoyer le milieu du cinéma. Il rencontre, Natacha, une cover-girl, pour qui il est prêt à abandonner, femme et enfants. Puis il devient l'amant de Lilianne, une marginale qui le persécute et le poursuit. Il quitte son emploi pour se consacrer à l'écriture d'un roman. Mais rien ne se passe comme il veut.
Maassen won two of the biggest comedy contests in the Netherlands in 1990, the Groninger Studenten Cabaret Festival(GSCF), and Cameretten. The GSCF jury was not pleased with the quality of the contestants that year, and gave Maassen the first prize, remarking he was the best of the year, but still not very good. In the following years, however, Maassen fame grew steadily, especially amongst students. Maassens style was based on stand-up comedy: Alone on stage, telling jokes and stories to amuse the public, without any musical support (a thing common for most Dutch comedians up to that point).
Choukri, alias Chouchou, a transvestite Maghrebi with clear eyes, comes illegally to Paris to find his nephew. Hired as an assistant by a psychotherapist, known for his good mood, he also work as a waiter in a transvestite cabaret of Clichy where he meets Stanislas.
Maassen won two of the biggest comedy contests in the Netherlands in 1990, the Groninger Studenten Cabaret Festival(GSCF), and Cameretten. The GSCF jury was not pleased with the quality of the contestants that year, and gave Maassen the first prize, remarking he was the best of the year, but still not very good. In the following years, however, Maassen fame grew steadily, especially amongst students. Maassens style was based on stand-up comedy: Alone on stage, telling jokes and stories to amuse the public, without any musical support (a thing common for most Dutch comedians up to that point). Since 2000, Maassens shows are shown on Dutch national television, making him more and more a household name.
Graced with a velvet voice, 21-year-old Violet Sanford heads to New York to pursue her dream of becoming a songwriter only to find her aspirations sidelined by the accolades and notoriety she receives at her "day" job as a barmaid at Coyote Ugly. The "Coyotes" as they are affectionately called tantalize customers and the media alike with their outrageous antics, making Coyote Ugly the watering hole for guys on the prowl.
Wealthy construction mogul Andy Lau and cabaret dancer Qi Shu fall madly in love with one another despite the class differences that would keep many couples apart. However, what Shu doesn't know is that Lau is the man responsible for razing a building representing cherished memories from her childhood. Can they live happily ever after if this secret gets out?
Most notable as being Donnie Yen's first film and starring role, Drunken Tai Chi is one of Yuen Woo Ping's funniest films and possesses all of the elements of a great comedic kung fu epic.
In this heist film turned horror fest, director Álex de la Iglesia's love of mayhem is on full display as a gang of gold thieves lands in a coven of witches who are preparing for an ancient ritual -- and in need of a sacrifice.
The story revolves around a Basque Roman Catholic priest dedicated to committing as many sins as possible (Angulo), a death metal salesman from Carabanchel (Segura), and the Italian host of a TV show on the occult (De Razza). These go on a literal "trip" through Christmas-time Madrid to hunt for and prevent the reincarnation of the Antichrist.
Retraité de la SNCF, Baptiste Talon revient en Vendée dans son village natal de Thioune ou Tioune pour y retrouver deux vieux amis : Jean-Marie Pejat et Blaise Poulossière. Pourquoi tous trois n'entreraient-ils pas à l'hospice de Gouyette ? Les voilà partis, non sans disputes, mais l'établissement leur semble si rébarbatif qu'ils le fuient à la suite d'une panique déclenchée par leurs soins.
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Macunaíma is a lazy anti-hero born black in Amazonas. After the death of his mother, he moves with his two brothers to Rio de Janeiro, but along his journey, he baths in a fountain and becomes Caucasian. Once in Rio, he incidentally meets the killer guerrilla woman Ci, who wears an amulet made of stone, and they fall in love for each other. They live together and a couple of months later, Ci delivers a black baby. While carrying a bomb for a terrorist attack in the stroller, the bomb explodes and Ci and the baby die, and the amulet vanishes. A very strong man finds the stone and Macunaíma tries to recover it. In the end, he returns to the jungle.
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Two men, a painter and a poor guy have to cross over Paris by night during world war II and nazi occupation to delivery black market meat. As they walk along dark parisian streets they encounter various characters and adventures until they are arrested by German police.
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Pour sauver leur bar de la faillite, Jimmy et Fifi, deux potes de banlieue, ont une illumination: faire venir la jet-set parisienne, cette caste habituee a avoir sa photo dans les magazines people. Pour reussir, ils demandent a Mike, beau gosse et comedien au chomage, d'infiltrer la jet pour se constituer un carnet d'adresses de VIP. Au milieu des stars ephemeres du show-biz, des fils a papa, des veuves de milliardaires, Mike va devenir l'incontournable prince Di Segafredi. Mais, a frequenter la jet, on risque de perdre plus que son ame.
Thierry, ethnologue spécialiste des lapons, se rend dans sa Suisse natale avec sa compagne, Sophie, pour assister à l'enterrement de sa grand-mère. Il y retrouve sa famille et découvre qu'il a hérité de deux millions de francs suisses, mais que pour les obtenir il va devoir faire semblant de s'adapter aux valeurs et mode de vie suisse qu'il avait rejeté. Pour ce faire il va accepter une sorte de formation accélérée prodiguée par son cousin suisse Aloïs, qui aurait plutôt des vues sur Sophie.
Don Sallust (Louis de Funès) is minister of the King of Spain. It is a being disingenuous, hypocritical and greedy that collects the taxes himself, he turns in part to his advantage. He is hated by the people he oppresse.Accusé by Queen, a beautiful princess Bavarian, of having an illegitimate child to one of her maids of honor, he was stripped of his duties and ordered to retire to a monastery. Decided to revenge, it comes in contact with his nephew seducing Caesar ...
Jasmine French used to be on the top of the heap as a New York socialite, but now is returning to her estranged sister in San Francisco utterly ruined. As Jasmine struggles with her haunting memories of a privileged past bearing dark realities she ignored, she tries to recover in her present. Unfortunately, it all proves a losing battle as Jasmine's narcissistic hangups and their consequences begin to overwhelm her. In doing so, her old pretensions and new deceits begin to foul up everyone's lives, especially her own.
Rancher Clay Hardin arrives in San Antonio to search for and capture Roy Stuart, notorious leader of a gang of cattle rustlers. The vicious outlaw is indeed in the Texan town, intent on winning the affections of a beautiful chanteuse named Jeanne Starr. When the lovely lady meets and falls in love with the charismatic Hardin, the stakes for both men become higher.

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