Cirkusrevyen 2009 (2009)


Main cast
Ulf Pilgaard; Marie Askehave; Lisbet Dahl; Henrik Lykkegaard


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The origin of Anthony and Miller, a wildly successful comedy team, can be traced back several years to Harvey Miller's stage fright on the golf links. Although the son of a skilled golfer and an outstanding player in his one right, Miller is too nervous to golf in front of a gallery. He becomes coach and caddy for Joe Anthony, his girlfriend's brother, who must convince his fisherman father that hitting a little ball into a hole can be more lucrative than trawling the Pacific Ocean. While on the PGA tour, their natural comedic abilities are recognized by a shrewd agent who senses their talent and potential, and a new comedy team is born.
Father and his family comes to visit onkel Anders' twin brother, Sofus, who comes all the way from Australia with a cow in tow. Unfortunately, Sofus equally surly and grumpy, as Anders is good and kind. Sofus takes his cow with Herefords to win milking competition. But when the cow refuses to give milk may Lille Per, Mie, Ole and Seas learn Sofus that words are leading the way to be good to others.
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His life in shambles after youthful dreams of becoming a golf champion yield disappointing results, bored stock exchange worker Seungwan receives a second chance at success after a freak accident puts his life back on track. Severely beaten after inexplicably angering local mob boss Ma Gangseong, Seungwan passes out after meeting a man who appears to be his clone. Upon regaining consciousness, Seungwan learns that the life he knew is no more; he is no longer a miserable failure, but a famous golf champion. Though his marriage had been heading down a rocky road for some time, his new found success and passion finds him and his wife Jiyeong falling back in love. Though everything suddenly seems to be falling into place for Seungwan, an upcoming golf championship threatens to unravel his ideal world unless he is able to pull it all together for one shot at a life of happiness.
An affluent medical professor, Komiya, and his bossy wife, Tokio, are to look after Setsuko, their high-spirited niece from Osaka. Setsuko is a liberated woman who does what she wants, including smoking, even though she is a minor. On Saturday, the professor does not feel like going to his weekend golf game, but his wife packs him off anyway. So he leaves his bag at the apartment of his student Okada, and goes to a bar with a friend. Setsuko traces him there, and insists that he take her to a geisha house. When she gets rather tipsy, the professor calls Okada to take her home, while he sleeps at Okada's. The wife becomes suspicious of Setsuko when she sees Okada bringing her home, and also of her husband when she discovers that he did not go golfing.
Bernard Bottle, a mild mannered art buyer, is fired by his greedy boss, abandoned by his girlfriend and discovers a genie in an old bottle. The genie immediately embraces the modern world and helps Bernard on the side.
At an exclusive country club, an ambitious young caddy, Danny Noonan, eagerly pursues a caddy scholarship in hopes of attending college and, in turn, avoiding a job at the lumber yard. In order to succeed, he must first win the favour of the elitist Judge Smails, and then the caddy golf tournament which Smails sponsors.
Leslie Nielsen teaches frustrated rookie golfer Billy how to bend the rules of golf to his advantage.
An out-of-work golf pro gets pulled into teaching the game to the "Bad News Bears" equivalent of young golfers at a public course.
Pat Pemberton (Hepburn) is a brilliant athlete, except when her domineering fiancé is around. The ladies golf championship is in her reach until she gets flustered by his presence at the final holes. He wants them to get married and forget the whole thing, but she cannot give up on herself that easily. She enlists the help of Mike Conovan (Tracy), a slightly shady sports promoter. Together they face mobsters, a jealous boxer (Aldo Ray), and a growing mutual attraction.
An actress, who goes all over rural France with her monologe "Sex and Crime", meets and falls in love with a man, since that moment starts helping him in his plays.
Flint is again called out of retirement when his old boss finds that he seems to have missed 90 seconds while golfing with the president. Flint finds that the president has been replaced by an actor (Flint's line [with a wistful look] is "An Actor as President?") Flint finds that a group of women have banded together to take over the world through subliminal brainwashing in beauty salons they own.
British retirees travel to India to take up residence in what they believe is a newly restored hotel. Less luxurious than its advertisements, the Marigold Hotel nevertheless slowly begins to charm in unexpected ways.
"Golf" a aggressive boy because he grown up with the broken family. He is only son who never be attention of the parents. "Bank" a lovely boy who came into family members. But he wasn't welcomed by his brother. They learn to live together for overcome obstacles of the surroundings. Before they know the truely of the word "Brother"
As the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel has only a single remaining vacancy - posing a rooming predicament for two fresh arrivals - Sonny pursues his expansionist dream of opening a second hotel.
A humble young man with uncommon skills from a small southern town gets caught up in high stakes golf matches between big-time gamblers until the game becomes life and death.
Professional golf champions John Daly and Adam Scott (as portrayed by professional actors Jon Daly and Adam Scott) go head to head in this televised charity golf championship, set in 1966. The competition is fierce, emotions are high, the charities are real, and both men are rarin’ to prove they’re king of the links.
HAPPY GILMORE meets MANIAC in this gore-filled swing at one of the most popular sports today, golf. A game of hooks slices...and slaughter!!! Meet Blades, the most terrifying character ever to tear up the screen...and Blades isn't even human. More evil than anything you can imagine, this monster lawn-mower is mauling more than the grass! The golfers on the fairway are all fair games as they try to make it to the 19th hole. BLADES, the teed off, wide radius, possessed power tool, in on a killing spree that will leave even duffers "handicapped"!
Considered one of the greatest films ever made, The Rules of the Game (La règle du jeu), by Jean Renoir, is a scathing critique of corrupt French society cloaked in a comedy of manners in which a weekend at a marquis’ country château lays bare some ugly truths about a group of haut bourgeois acquaintances. The film has had a tumultuous history: it was subjected to cuts after the violent response of the premiere audience in 1939, and the original negative was destroyed during World War II; it wasn’t reconstructed until 1959.
Hubert is a French policeman with very sharp methods. After being forced to take 2 months off by his boss, who doesn't share his view on working methods, he goes back to Japan, where he used to work 19 years ago, to settle the probate of his girlfriend who left him shortly after marriage without a trace.
Ah, the Pennytree Golf Club...lavish clubhouse, manicured greens, 18 holes of golfing paradise... NOT! Tattered and almost without any customers, Pennytree has become the target of a takeover by it's neighbor and competitor, Bentwood Country Club, owned and operated by the conniving Simon Roosevelt (Dan Barkley). Inspired by a freak accident, Liberty Pennytree (Christy Tummond) hatches a plan to bring in more golfers and crush Simon's takeover plans. Gorgeous ladies, hot bods and the fun filled "cart wash" are the attractions as busloads of new customers flock to the "new" Pennytree Golf Club. The ladies of Pennytree, led by "Barbara the Bod" (Amy Lynn Baxter), are a hit with the customers, money is rolling into Pennytree and Simon is steaming. Simon's not giving up and issues the ultimate challenge, a winner-take-all-match between Pennytree and Brentwood, "your pro against my pro." The winner
A medicine man is sent looking for the son of his tribal king, and brings back an American golfer and a host of goons intent on keeping him in the golf tournament.
Ninette Sanchez, daughter of Spanish immigrants in France, is a smart, sexy, funny and spontaneous Parisian girl who works at the Galeries Lafayette. With her natural manners and beauty has won the heart of Andres, a man from the provinces who cannot resist his charms.
Julien est envoyé par son patron à l'île Maurice, où il fait la connaissance d'Henri, un chômeur professionnel. Un soir de beuverie, les deux hommes se soulagent au pied d'une statue sacrée. Offensés par ce sacrilège, les dieux les punissent en leur ôtant leur reflet et en les faisant léviter. Si cette situation leur paraît au début invivable, les deux hommes finissent cependant par tirer parti de ces désavantages pour régler leurs problèmes personnels.
When a crass new-money tycoon's membership application is turned down at a snooty country club, he retaliates by buying the club and turning it into a tacky amusement park.
Chaque été pour l'anniversaire de sa fille Jeanne, Albert l'emmène visiter un nouveau pays d'Europe. Pour ses dix sept ans, il choisit une petite île suédoise, convaincu d'y trouver le trésor perdu d'un Viking légendaire. Mais voilà que la maison louée pour leur séjour est déjà occupée par deux femmes : Annika, la propriétaire des lieux et Christine, une amie française. Les vacances soigneusement organisées par Albert vont alors prendre un tout autre tournant, ce qui est loin de déplaire à Jeanne...
A pastor preoccupied with writing the perfect sermon fails to realize that his wife is having an affair and his children are up to no good.
Hudson Milbank is a successful Hollywood screenwriter who suddenly and strangely finds himself without any emotional feelings. He tries doctor after doctor and shrink after shrink, but nothing works. The Golf Channel, lesbian exercise classes and a dizzying variety of pills get him through the day, but don't quite solve his problem. His writing partner tries everything to get him back to normal, but it's not until Hudson meets Sara that he finds a real motivation to get better and to actually start feeling again. From the writer of Deuce Bigalow, comes NUMB, a romantic comedy following an unusual man looking for strange love.
The Levys, a glamorous couple, used to make their living robbing golfers, until they met their fatal handicap. Years later, scriptwriter Remy Gravelle decides to observe the Levy progeny as they sail endlessly round Manhattan in their luxury yacht.
Les Diplômés du dernier rang Date de sortie cinéma : 18 août 1982 Film déjà disponible en DVD depuis le : 7 octobre 2002 Réalisé par Christian Gion Avec Patrick Bruel, Michel Galabru, Marie Laforêt, plus Long-métrage français . Genre : Comédie Durée : 01h26min Année de production : 1982 Synopsis : Dans une salle secrète d'un institut privé d'études économiques et politiques, un groupe d'étudiants s'exerce à l'art de ne rien faire, hormis draguer et préparer des antisèches, jusqu'au moment où le directeur a pour ambition de faire de l'institut une grande école...
A Fleury-Mérogis, un match de foot a lieu dans la cour de prison. Tibor Kovacs, un jeune Hongrois, fait des prodiges avec le ballon. Véritable virtuose du football, il rêve de jouer en équipe de France. Pour Manu, son compagnon de cellule, Tibor est un cadeau du ciel. A la veille de leur sortie de prison, les deux compères décident d'unir leurs destins : Tibor deviendra le plus grand joueur du mon
Six jeunes en difficulté de la banlieue parisienne débarquent au fin fond de la campagne française, escortés par leur éducateur. Ils doivent montrer leur bonne volonté en effectuant des travaux d'intérêts généraux décidés par la pétillante juge d'application des peines, qui veut ainsi leur donner une dernière chance. Entre le portable vissé à l'oreille de l'un, le pit-bull de l'autre ou encore les prières musulmanes du troisième, ces adolescents vont bouleverser la vie paisible du petit village.
Arthur était pourtant sûr qu'avec Lola, ils ne tomberaient jamais dans les clichés du couple ! Mais voilà, aujourd'hui, Lola, 30 ans, élevée au prince charmant, veut une preuve d'amour et une vraie : le mariage ! Elle lui vend un mariage idyllique et Arthur, par amour, finit par se laisser convaincre. Mais attention : uniquement à ses conditions ! Entre les rêves de petites filles de Lola, les envies anticonformistes d'Arthur, le mariage en grande pompe qu'imagine la famille, et la réalité qui les rattrape, l'organisation du plus beau jour de leur vie va s'avérer plus compliquée que prévue. Pourvu qu'ils ne fassent pas comme tout le monde... mais en pire !
Un conservateur terrorisé par les plantes vertes, une mère plastifiée pour être exposée, un ballet de Saintes Vierges, des gardiens épuisés par Rodin, un ministre perdu dans une exposition de sexes, une voiture disparue au parking Rembrandt, des provinciaux amoureux des Impressionnistes, touristes galopins galopant d'une salle à l'autre, passager clandestin dans l'art premier, Picasso, Gauguin, Warhol, ils sont tous là dans ce petit monde qui ressemble au grand, dans ce musée pas si imaginaire que ça, valsant la comédie humaine jusqu'au burlesque.
Roger, 11 ans, mal aimé par sa mère, rudoyé par son père, atterrit, en 1947, dans une petite école d'un village d'Anjou comme pensionnaire, où sévit une institutrice revêche et au grand coeur, surnommée "Mumu les petites pattes"...
Pierre Martin, docteur en physique quantique, quitte Paris avec sa fille Catherine, journaliste de mode, afin d'aller s'installer dans l'auberge qu'il a héritée de sa tante, située à Sainte-Simone-du-Nord au Saguenay. L'arrivée de ces deux Français contrarie le maire, Michel Dolbec, convaincu que l'auberge, jadis propriété de sa famille, devrait lui revenir de droit. C'est ainsi qu'il persuade ses concitoyens de l'aider à chasser Pierre et Catherine, par tous les moyens possibles. Seul Mario, homme à tout faire autrefois au service de la défunte, refuse de participer au complot, d'autant plus qu'il se sent attiré par la revêche Catherine. Or, si celle-ci, devant tant de brimades, semble sur le point de craquer, son père persiste à afficher un optimisme indécrottable, au grand dam du retors Dolbec.
A man is accidentally transported to 1300 A.D., where he must battle an army of the dead and retrieve the Necronomicon so he can return home.
Résumons-nous. Blanche-Neige a été ressuscitée d'un smack par le Prince Charmant. Sur ce, ils se marièrent, furent heureux et eurent beaucoup d'enfants. Fin de l'histoire. Ce qui est, admettons-le, un peu hâtif. Reprenons. Ils se marient. Et puis après ? Après, une pseudo Bonne Fée plus très fraîche rapplique dare-dare dans le paysage. Elle en pince sévère pour le Prince, c'est rien de le dire. Elle le veut, elle l'aura, morbleu. Un revers de baguette magique et voilà qu'apparaît la Belle au Bois Dormant. Dormant donc. Le Prince Charmant, obligeant, la réveille d'un baiser. Funeste erreur. Dès lors, rien ne va plus : la chasse à la Blanche Neige est déclarée ouverte, Cendrillon déboule au débotté, les Sept Nains s'énervent tout vert et un ogre gravement sous-alimenté met les orteils dans le plat. Déjà, on soupçonne le rififi olympique, le conte de fées qui part en quenouille...

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