Sen Benim Herşeyimsin (2016)

Tolga Örnek

Main cast
Tolga Çevik; Cengiz Bozkurt; Tuna Çevik; Melis Birkan



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“Para darphanede basılır, imzası atılır, banknot yapılır, deste deste akar gider. Milyonlarca temiz, milyonlarca pis el değer. Anlatılmaz bir sevgisi, anlatılmaz bir acısı vardır. Dünyada para için istenilecek en güzel dilek pis tarafını tutmamaktır, eğer tutarsan." Kolpaçino aksiyon-komedi filmi. Birbirine kenetlenmiş 7 kişinin bir günde başına gelenler. Temposu ve kurgusuyla şaşırtıcı bir hikaye. Şafak Sezer’i bir çok farklı rolde gördünüz ama hiç böyle görmediniz. Filmin 250 kopya ile Türkiye’de, 50 kopya ile Avrupa’da aynı anda vizyona girmesi planlanan filmin senaristliğini Leman Çizerleri Suat Özkan, Kaan Ertem ile Şafak Sezer üstleniyor.
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Zwariowana komedia pełna absurdów. Chemik, Adi i Pele. Niedorajdy życiowe, darmozjady – tak określają ich inni. A w gruncie rzeczy to pomysłowi i zgrani kumple. Nie mają szczęścia do pracy, mają za to na głowie mnóstwo kłopotów: chorego psychicznie psa sąsiadki czy babcię, podkradającą Chemikowi haszysz. W trudnych chwilach ukojenie może przynieść tylko telewizja i najnowszy teleturniej Ibisza...
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Matt Helm (Dean Martin) is called out of retirement to stop the evil Big O organization who plan to explode an atomic bomb over Alamagordo, NM, and start WW III.
A sequel to the smash hit Reunion (2015).
Almodovar's first film of life in Madrid during the punk era and not one for the squeamish. He covers everything from drugs and sexual violence, to female masochism.
Emile is a French film producer at the beginning of the century. One of his friends leaves his daughter Lucette in his house, when he is starting a tour through France. Emile falls in love with her. Problems starts when his younger friend Jacques come back from military service and after complaining his misfortune with women, follows Emile's advice in starting affairs with women and he meets Lucette.
In the Soviet Union a young couple wish to marry, but Joseph Stalin dies the night prior to their wedding ceremony forcing the bride and groom to marry in silence.
The oldest son of the White Tiger Gang is pressured by his family to settle down and get married; but when he finds the perfect girl, she turns out to be a state prosecutor for crimes of violence, specifically gangster related. The district attorney is a look-a-like of the gangster's former fiancee who died getting hit by a truck. Their feelings develop for each other but her co-worker turns out to like her as well. She does not like him so the latter turns to the darker side of the law, by conspiring with the rival Axe Gang. Unfortunately for him, the mafia son has more that a few tricks up his sleeve and gets support from his dim-witted brothers and henchman.
Micke is a total film nerd, who would be rather sitting home watching violent action movies than to be outside drinking and hanging out with friends. One night Micke has prepared to have an orgy of violent movies, but something rather strange interrupts his plans. While watching "Die Hard", one of the German terrorists from the film comes out of the television, and this launches a night of violence filled with known characters.
Felice Della Pietà is indifferent to money and the turbulences of life. His wife Sylvia simulates suicide in order not to live in poverty with him.
Voltaire, a 16th century author was furious that learned members of a "civilized" society could claim that the apparent senseless violence and mayhem wrought by disasters, war, disease, man's cruelty, etc. was actually only a part of some 'greater good'. After all, God (being perfect) could not 'logically' have created anything but the 'best of all possible' universes.
An average family is thrust into the spotlight after the father commits a seemingly self-defense murder at his diner.
The Great Silence (Il grande silenzio, 1968), or The Big Silence, is an Italian spaghetti western. The movie features a score by Ennio Morricone and stars Jean-Louis Trintignant as Silence, a mute gunfighter with a grudge against bounty hunters, assisting a group of outlawed Mormons and a woman trying to avenge her husband (one of the outlaws). They are set against a group of ruthless bounty hunters, led by Loco (Klaus Kinski). It is one of Corbucci's better known movies. Unlike most conventional and spaghetti westerns, The Great Silence takes place in the snow-filled landscapes of Utah during the Great Blizzard of 1899.
The head of a gang of toughs, in an insensitive futuristic society, is conditioned to become physically ill at sex and violence during a prison sentence. When he is released, he's brutally beaten by all of his old adversaries.
Why do 11,000 people die in America each year at the hands of gun violence? Talking heads yelling from every TV camera blame everything from Satan to video games. But are we that much different from many other countries? What sets us apart? How have we become both the master and victim of such enormous amounts of violence? This is not a film about gun control. It is a film about the fearful heart and soul of the United States, and the 280 million Americans lucky enough to have the right to a constitutionally protected Uzi. From a look at the Columbine High School security camera tapes to the home of Oscar-winning NRA President Charlton Heston, from a young man who makes homemade napalm with The Anarchist's Cookbook to the murder of a six-year-old girl by another six-year-old, Bowling for Columbine is a journey through America, through our past, hoping to discover why our pursuit of happiness is so riddled with violence.
There may not be any secrets in a small town, but there is an expectation of silence. In A Town Called Oil City, the return of a native son to announce his same sex wedding and help a gay teen who is being tormented at school offers a chance to change the way things have always been done.
On a flight transporting dangerous convicts, murderer Ryan Weaver manages to break free and cause complete chaos throughout the plane. As various people on board fall victim to Weaver, it is ultimately down to flight attendant Teri Halloran to keep the aircraft from crashing, with on-ground support from an air traffic controller. While Halloran struggles to pilot the plane, Weaver continues to terrorize the surviving members of the crew.
The story concerns a special undercover squad attached to the Rome police force and commanded by Inspector Betti. Through various episodic encounters, including the tragic shooting of Betti's partner, who is later attacked and savagely beaten in his wheelchair, a portrait emerges of a city immersed in violence, and to which violence is the only answer....
The film revolves around two brothers, the elder being sensitive to violence and the younger being a jobless rogue, settled in Thoothukudi. After the death of their father, a police officer, the elder brother takes on the same job by request of the younger. The older brother rises to fame in his job by having his younger brother secretly punish suspects and save victims for him. This angers two of the village's biggest mob bosses, who begin to seek revenge on the elder brother. After getting severely beaten by them, the elder brother loses his fear and becomes physically stronger through training from his younger brother. How the brothers get back at two gangs and protect their families form the rest of the story. The film was released worldwide on 13 January 2012 to mixed reviews
The circularity of violence seen in a story that circles on itself. In Macedonia, during war in Bosnia, Christians hunt an ethnic Albanian girl who may have murdered one of their own. A young monk who's taken a vow of silence offers her protection. In London, a photographic editor who's pregnant needs to talk it out with her estranged husband and chooses a toney restaurant.
While doing a thesis about violence, Ángela finds a snuff video where a girl is tortured until death. Soon she discovers that the girl was a former student in her faculty...
Killer gets orders from a video game named The Silencer.
Beyond Silence is about a family and a young girl’s coming of age story. This German film looks into the lives of the deaf and at a story about the love for music. A girl who has always had to translate speech into sign language for her deaf parents yet when her love for playing music grows strong she must decide to continue doing something she cannot share with her parents.
The story of the battle to free Debbie Peagler, an incarcerated survivor of brutal domestic violence. Over 26 years in prison cannot crush the spirit of this determined African-American woman, despite the injustices she has experienced, first at the hands of a duplicitous boyfriend who beat her and forced her into prostitution, and later by prosecutors who cornered her into a life behind bars for her connection to the murder of her abuser. Her story takes an unexpected turn two decades later when a pair of rookie land-use attorneys cut their teeth on her case -- and attract global attention to the troubled intersection of domestic violence and criminal justice.
The story of a drifter named Paul who arrives in a small town seeking revenge on the thugs who murdered his friend. Sisters Mary Anne and Ellen, who run the town's hotel, help Paul in his quest for vengeance.
A Muslim fundamentalist in New York kidnaps a liberal Muslim scholar with intent to kill. A closeted lesbian in New Delhi kidnaps her activist bisexual lover with intent to marry. The resulting torture and violence evokes a brutal struggle of identities against unfreedom.
A chilling reminder of the dangerous world we live in, this riveting documentary reveals the innermost workings of some of the most warped minds in recent history. From the violent shooting spree in a San Ysidro MacDonald's restaurant to the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan to the predations of serial murderer Henry Lee Lucas, see the pattern of violence as it extends in our culture and society.
Bag de røde porte ligger Dyrehaven med de grønne bøge og den berømte dyrehavsbakke - gøglernes brogede verden. Professor Labardi står bag den populære sangerindepavillon, hvor hans unge datter, Gulnare, optræder. Efter en regnfuld sommer er der økonomisk lavvande på Bakken, og familien er fristet til at søge hjælp hos Gulnares foretagsomme bejler, Carlo Petersen. Men Professor Labardi bærer på en hemmelighed: gøglerfamilien har slægtsbånd til den fine juristverden uden for portene Der er konflikt, pengetransaktioner, kærlighed, skinsyge og skurkestreger, når den fine verden og bakkefolket mødes. Bag De Røde Porte er en forrygende folkekomedie, der tager os med bag attraktionerne på den traditionsrige forlystelsespark i Klampenborg.
Mike Max is a Hollywood producer who became powerful and rich thanks to brutal and bloody action films. His ignored wife Paige is close to leaving him. Suddenly Mike is kidnapped by two bandits, but escapes and hides out with his Mexican gardener's family for a while. At the same time, surveillance expert Ray Bering is looking for what happens in the city, but it is not clear what he wants. The police investigation for Max's disappearance is led by detective Doc Block, who falls in love with actress Cat who is playing in ongoing Max's production.
Terrorists hijack an airplane that is broadcasting a rock concert live on the Internet.
An epic love story: Olanna and Kainene are glamorous twins, living a privileged city life in newly independent 1960s Nigeria. The two women make very different choices of lovers, but rivalry and betrayal must be set aside as their lives are swept up in the turbulence of war.
This is the hard and shocking story of life in a British Borstal for young offenders. The brutal regime made no attempt to reform or improve the inmates and actively encouraged a power struggle between the 'tough' new inmate and the 'old hands'. The film was originally made as a BBC play but it was banned before ever being shown.
Based on actual events that took place at Gwangju Inhwa School for the hearing-impaired, where young deaf students were the victims of repeated sexual assaults by faculty members over a period of five years in the early 2000s.
The Interrupters tells the moving and surprising stories of three Violence Interrupters — former gang members who try to protect their Chicago communities from the violence they once caused.
A hired killer from Cleveland has a job to do on a second-string mob boss in New York. But a special girl from his past, and a fat gun dealer with pet rats, each gets in his way.
A biographical film about the Norwegian Expressionist painter Edvard Munch. It was originally created as a three-part miniseries co-produced by the Norwegian and Swedish state television networks, but subsequently gained an American theatrical release in a three-hour version in 1976. The film covers about thirty years of Munch's life, focusing on the influences that shaped his art, particularly the prevalence of disease and death in his family and his youthful affair with a married woman.
An erotic love triangle revolving around a writer adrift in the icy slopes of Kashmir where he discovers a woman with a strange, silent past.
Sarah Plummer is an FBI Agent whose family is taken hostage while she is on a flight to Washington, DC. "Turbulence" occurs when a mysterious stranger, Michelle, is seated beside her and Sarah is forced to make a decision that could cost her the lives of her husband and twelve-year-old son.
Only 11 Americans have ever been charged under the Espionage Act of 1917; eight of them since President Obama took office. James Spione returns to TFF with the incredible personal journeys of two members of that octet, Thomas Drake and John Kiriakou, along with accountability advocate, Jesselyn Radack, who helped bring their cases to light. With resonance in the post-Snowden era, Silenced catalogs the lengths to which the government has gone to keep its most damning secrets quiet, in an impassioned and thought-provoking defense of whistleblowers everywhere.

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