Krummerne 2 - stakkels Krumme (1992)

Sven Methling

Main cast
Laus Høybye; Dick Kaysø; Karen-Lise Mynster; Line Kruse; Lukas Forchhammer

Family, Comedy

Alt er normalt hos familien Krumborg – men når man kender dem, så kan intet længere overraske. De to røvere Boris og Ivan vil gerne kidnappe Krumme. Krumme vil gerne lære at ride. Mor vil gerne have en sundhedsjul. Far vil ikke have en sundhedsjul. Og det kan vel heller ikke overraske, at Krummes julegave til Yrsa ender under fru Olsens seng, eller at vicevært Svendsen forsøger at reparere fru Olsens håndvask – selvom den ikke er i stykker. Og familiens mindste, Grunk, har spist al julepynten. Jo da, alt er helt normalt hos familien Krumborg…

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Drengen Krumme tror på julemanden også selvom ingen andre gør det. Og det er der god brug for, for oppe hos julemanden står det helt galt til. Skurkene Ivan og Boris har nemlig fået fat i julebogen, og så kan julemor ikke lave den magiske grød og julemanden kan ikke komme ud med gaver. Heldigvis er familien Krumme snart på sagen, og så kan det jo ikke gå helt galt.
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Marina is a woman who never says men, money and fame! Determined to climb the social ladder, she works her way up from a marriage of a millionaire prince. At last, she's living the life of wealth and glamour she's always dreamed of. Then Love comes along and ruins everything! A starving artist steals her heart and seduces her away to his bohemian world. Will Marina manage to stay happy living a lifestyle out of the fast lane?
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”Anders Matthesen vender tilbage” til det klassiske stand-up comedy set-up: Nærværet, improvisationen, den platte joke - side om side med noget der måske endda kunne minde om en dyb tanke? Historier fra komikerens eget liv, opdigtet vrøvl, personlige meninger, eller påtagede provokationer. Præcis hvem komikeren er, og hvad han mener, er ikke vigtigt ... Det er den fælles oplevelse og de tanker der bliver sat i gang der tæller og vigtigst af alt: Grinet! Det er så befriende at få lov at grine i længere tid af gangen. Og Anders Matthesen ved kun én ting der er bedre end selv at grine: At se dig grine!
I ”Plukker kameler” giver Bang sit bud på, hvordan man tackler uafklarede problemer med andre - og hvordan man accepterer dét, der egentlig strider imod ens idealer og ønsker; Man plukker kameler! Alle kommenterer og konfronterer alt og alle. Men hvad sker der ved det? Ingenting. Der er ingen selvransagelse og derfor ingen konsekvenser. Ingen lærer noget. Det hele går i ring. Fordi ingen plukker kameler!
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When a Las Vegas performer-turned-snitch named Buddy Israel decides to turn state's evidence and testify against the mob, it seems that a whole lot of people would like to make sure he's no longer breathing.
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Showet er som sædvanlig blottet for politiske budskaber og diskussioner om den globale opvarmning. Og man skal nok heller ikke forvente at Champen vil stå i spidsen for at redde en masse panda’er. Til gengæld kan man glæde sig til ca. 90 minutters direkte og ærlig comedy, hvor Uffe, kun i selskab med sin mikrofon, vil underholde med hverdagens betragtninger, leveret på en måde som kun én mand kan.
Den här gången är Jönssonligan verkligen illa ute. Charles-Ingvar Jönsson, "Sickan" kallad, har dragit sig tillbaka. Vanheden och Dynamit-Harry är lämnade åt sig själva. Polisen jublar förstås, men Jönssonligan avskriver man inte så lätt! De är tillbaka... Fräckare!... Roligare!... tidigare! Denna gång anförda av den genialiske doktor M.A. Busé - och målet är Romanoffs diamant som nu ställs ut på Nationalmuseum i Stockholm...
Den store barnedåpen (English: The great christening) is a 1931 Norwegian comedy film directed by Tancred Ibsen, starring Einar Sissener, Aase Bye and Agnete Schibsted-Hansson. It was the first feature-length Norwegian sound film. The lacklustre Harald (Sissener) is taken in by Alvilde (Bye), and charged with looking after her bastard child. It soon dawns on both of them that Harald has more potential than previously assumed.
A black comedy about the dream of freedom and the difficulty of obtaining this: While Molly (Eva Mattes), Elisabeth (Katja Flint) and Maria (Ornella Muti) are great friends, but at the same time completely different. Molly is a difficult stressed housewife and mother of three children, Elisabeth is the perfect career woman and Maria uses already in their third marriage sex appeal to get ahead in life. But one day it turns out that the three except their friendship still connects another great thing in common: They are all tired of her life as a wife. And so begins the story of a rabenscharzen comedy about the dream of freedom and the difficulties to achieve this. The only question is: How are they merely their husbands going on?
This film tells the tale of the Harper Affair, in which young Jimmy Harper finds his life of promise turn into a life of debauchery and murder thanks to the new drug menace marijuana. Along the way he receives help from his girlfriend Mary and Jesus himself, but always finds himself in the arms of the Reefer Man and the rest of the denizens of the Reefer Den.
A young student seeks quiet and solitude to focus on an important work but ends up as the teacher of a peculiar boy who is home-schooled by his parents in an isolated bunker mansion. THE BUNKER is a dark, twisted, and funny tale about childhood, growing up and education.
A bombardier in World War II tries desperately to escape the insanity of the war. However, sometimes insanity is the only sane way cope with a crazy situation. Catch-22 is a parody of a "military mentality" and of a bureaucratic society in general.
Hans og Mona beslutter at give deres respektive ægtefælder lidt at tænke over, ved at blive fundet i en kompromitterende situation under en fælles ferie. For at lette den lidt akavede stemning, beslutter de at søge hjælp i barskabet, hvor de får mikset en potent cocktail sammen, som de døber Grøn Elevator. Det bliver starten på en munter aften.
Two dumb soda jerks dream of writing radio mysteries. When they try to pitch an idea at a radio station, they end up in the middle of a real murder when the station owner is killed during a broadcast.
A zombie outbreak has fallen upon the land in this reimagining of Jane Austen’s classic tale of the tangled relationships between lovers from different social classes in 19th century England. Feisty heroine Elizabeth Bennet (Lily James) is a master of martial arts and weaponry and the handsome Mr. Darcy (Sam Riley) is a fierce zombie killer, yet the epitome of upper class prejudice. As the zombie outbreak intensifies, they must swallow their pride and join forces on the blood-soaked battlefield in order to conquer the undead once and for all.
Den siste Fleksnes (English: The last Fleksnes) is a 1974 Norwegian comedy film directed by Bo Hermansson, starring Rolv Wesenlund and Aud Schønemann. The film is based on the television sitcom Fleksnes Fataliteter.Marve Fleksnes (Wesenlund) lives a comfortable life with his mother (Schønemann), but misses a woman in his life. He is afraid he might become the last Fleksnes. His mother enrols him in a charm school, where he excels. At the same time, a young lady moves into the apartment across the hall.
Annie’s life is a mess. But when she finds out her lifetime best friend is engaged, she simply must serve as Lillian’s maid of honor. Though lovelorn and broke, Annie bluffs her way through the expensive and bizarre rituals. With one chance to get it perfect, she’ll show Lillian and her bridesmaids just how far you’ll go for someone you love.
Den Spanske Flue (The Spanish Fly) is a situation comedy-farce, set in the home of businessman Ludvik Klinke in 1915s Christiania. Struggling to keep his hag of a wife happy, while trying to secure his daughter a nice husband, things are about to get a whole lot worse when a fling from his past turns up on his doorstep. But who is this young lad, who calls him dad?
Felicie and Charles have a serious if whirlwind holiday romance.
Show from Jan Gintberg's fourth stand-up comedy tour "Den grimme melding" in 2004, this year with assistance from Jonatan Spang.

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