Je préfère qu'on reste amis (2005)

Eric Toledano; Olivier Nakache

Main cast
Jean-Paul Rouve; Annie Girardot; Jonathan Lambert; Isabelle Renauld; Yves Jacques


Claude Mendelbaum est un informaticien trentenaire, célibataire, timide, hypocondriaque et transparent. Depuis Vicky, sa dernière histoire d'amour, il a du mal à remonter la pente. Son travail dans une grande tour de la Défense, peu propice aux rencontres amoureuses, lui prend tout son temps, alors forcément les chances de rencontrer "LA" femme sont infiniment réduites.

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Tim Avery, an aspiring cartoonist, finds himself in a predicament when his dog stumbles upon the mask of Loki. Then after conceiving an infant son "born of the mask", he discovers just how looney child raising can be.
Lizzie's best friend, Andie, becomes pregnant and offers to give the baby to her. Lizzie's husband, Peter, reluctantly goes along with being the child's father, and Andie moves into the guest room for the remainder of the pregnancy.
Jack Crabb, looking back from extreme old age, tells of his life being raised by Indians and fighting with General Custer.
After the lord of darkness decides he will not cede his thrown to any of his three sons, the two most powerful of them escape to Earth to create a kingdom for themselves. This action closes the portal filtering sinful souls to Hell and causes Satan to wither away. He must send his most weak but beloved son, Little Nicky, to Earth to return his brothers to Hell.
The Fighting Temptations stars Cuba Gooding, Jr. as the film's protagonist as he attempts to revive a church choir in order to enter a gospel competition with the help of a beautiful lounge singer (Beyoncé Knowles) with whom he soon falls in love.
Unable to find her runaway son, a woman deceives two of her ex-lovers from her youth, a mild-mannered teacher and a tough journalist, that each is the real father in order to obtain their help.
Josh is the consummate temp employee, avoiding all long-term connections and responsibilities, both at work and in his personal life. However, by the time his agency places him at the Schuyler & Mitchell law firm, Josh is tired of his temporary life and agrees to take a permanent position at the firm. Josh has difficulty adapting to his new lifestyle, which manifests in his inability to complete his simple initial task: mailing seventeen important letters.
Directed by Émile Gaudreault, the film stars Michel Côté and Louis-José Houde as Jacques and Marc Laroche, feuding father and son police officers who are forced to reevaluate their relationship when they're paired up on an undercover assignment in a father-son adventure therapy camp.
Kei's eldest sister Sandra is a hot-tempered magazine editor and her temperament has left her single all this while. One of the family rules is that none of the siblings could get married before their eldest sister. Kei seeks help from the famous Casanova, Koo Chai, to pretend to court his eldest sister and lure her into the mood of love.
The story is about identical twins (played by Hema Malini) who are separated at birth and grow up with different temperaments. The twins then swap places.
An absurd black comedy that cunningly reverses the conventions of the crime thriller to comment on the alienating and dehumanizing effects of contemporary urban life. Alphonse Tram is unwittingly involved in several murders despite having no memory of committing the crimes. His confusion lead him to confess to his neighbour, Inspector Morvandieu. Alphonse and Morvandieu become the axis around which murders occur.
When an unexploded WWII bomb is accidentally detonated in Pimlico, it reveals a treasure trove and documents proving that the region is in fact part of Burgundy, France and thus foreign territory. The British government attempts to regain control by setting up border controls and cutting off services to the area.
The comedy follows Jefferson, a ski-bum temp worker, whose singular joy comes from an annual excursion to the slopes with fellow slacker Curtis. But when Jefferson falls for Stephanie, an ambitious go-getter, he is forced to re-evaluate his priorities.
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He's Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Jim Carrey is on the case to find the Miami Dolphins' missing mascot and quarterback Dan Marino. He goes eyeball to eyeball with a man-eating shark, stakes out the Miami Dolphins and woos and wows the ladies. Whether he's undercover, under fire or underwater, he always gets his man . . . or beast!
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A brash and precocious ten-year-old (Catherine Demongeot) comes to Paris for a whirlwind weekend with her rakish uncle (Philippe Noiret); he and the viewer get more than they bargained for, however, in this anarchic comedy from Louis Malle, which rides roughshod over the City of Light. Based on a popular novel by Raymond Queneau that had been considered unadaptable, Malle’s audacious Zazie dans le métro, made with flair on the cusp of the French New Wave, is a bit of stream-of-consciousness slapstick, wall-to-wall with visual gags, editing tricks, and effects.
One night, Pierre decides to reveal his painful secret to his daughter-in-law, who's just been abandoned by her husband. Pierre's secret is about his secret love to Mathilde, the woman he left to instead follow an easier path in life.
An American Pie-like teen comedy in which a high school senior tries to become the first student in years to complete the Dirty Deeds, an outrageous series of challenges that must be completed by the Homecoming banquet at 9 a.m.

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